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Question 9 2020

Im a bit confused how 2 is a Kernel as the only solution I could think of is sqrt(2) x sqrt(2), this is also the one given in the solution. But as sqrt(2) is not a natural number, which seemed to be required for the kernel(as marked in the alterntives). Have I missundertstood the notation X=N somehow or maybe missed something else?

Hope someone can help me! :)

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The restriction on natural numbers is only on \(k\), the number of dimensions in the output space of \(\Psi\). So if we focus on the 2-dimensional case of \(K(x, x') = (x^\top x')^2\), a solution for \(\Psi\) could be psi([a, b]) = [a, b, sqrt(2) a b].

Wondering the same thing actually

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The restriction on natural numbers is only on \(k\), the number of dimensions in the output space of \(\Psi\). So if we focus on the 2-dimensional case of \(K(x, x') = (x^\top x')^2\), a solution for \(\Psi\) could be psi([a, b]) = [a, b, sqrt(2) a b].

Ok so this expression bild_2022-01-13_110125.jpeg
does not limit the values x and x' can take? Or what does the expression mean exactly in this case as the restriction on k is already given earlier in the question.

Thanks for the response btw!!

edit: why is this question marked as solved?

Ah, I thought you meant 'the second kernel in the list' with '2', but now I see you mean the first (with value 2).

This expression means that the inputs to the kernel are natural numbers. In this case \(\Psi(x) = \sqrt{2}\) is a valid function from \( \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{R}^k\) for \(k=1 \in \mathbb{N}\), so it works out.

Yeah that makes the input doesnt matter at all in this case as is constant! I confused the value of the function with the input!

Thanks so much!!!!

@Anonymous said:
Yeah that makes the input doesnt matter at all in this case as is constant! I confused the value of the function with the input!

Thanks so much!!!!

Maybe you can explain to me, because I didn't get it… ^^'

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