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Exam 2017 : problem 7

Hello everyone,

For context :
Here I cannot understand how the gradient is computed. I get that there is a Frobenius product involved in the answer, and thus the sum over the i and j indices, but I don't get the "two terms" part...

Thank you for your time.

EDIT : I mislabeled as a 2017 problem, but it is in fact part of the multiple choice question in the 2018 exam.
[admin: fixed]
EDIT2: Apparently it is actualy 2017, I was confused by the exam date, January 2018... sorry!

The gradient of x^TAx with respect to x is (A + A^T)x
I think this is what the two terms part refers to.
(I'm not sure how to compute it though, I personally just try with an easy matrix)

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