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Today's kernel function question

Was the kernel given in the today's true or false question valid or not?

i think it’s true; you can express 1/1-x as an infinite geometric sum (like gaussian)

@Anonymous said:
i think it’s true; you can express 1/1-x as an infinite geometric sum (like gaussian)

The taylor series for this function convergences only when |x|<1. I wonder if that is an issue.

but wasn't |x|<1 stated as an additional condition in the question?

@Anonymous said:

@Anonymous said:
i think it’s true; you can express 1/1-x as an infinite geometric sum (like gaussian)

The taylor series for this function convergences only when |x|<1. I wonder if that is an issue.

yes, that is important. i think that’s why the vector norms were bounded strictly by 1, and hence the dot product is also strictly bounded by 1 by Cauchy-Schwarz, so the taylor series converges

I don't know about the convergence of infinite series but I decided to believe in this kernel

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