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Q3 exam 2017

How can we explain this Upper bound for the dimension "D" wrt to the size of the data set "n" in knn ? ( why is the 2nd answer true?)
Thanks in Advance! Capture d’écran 2022-01-14 à 15.09.22.jpg

When we did KNN on lectures we mentioned this lemma:
Screenshot from 2022-01-15 11-43-25.jpg

This lemma states that the loss of KNN classifier is bounded by twice as loss of Bayesian classifier (f*) plus some function that depends on N and D. We want that function to be as small as possible. It holds that:
Screenshot from 2022-01-15 12-04-35.jpg
So, if ln N >> d, than -ln N/(d+1) tends to -infinity. If ln d -ln N/(d+1) also tends to -infinity, than the whole expression will tend to 0, and that is what we want. However, in order to assume that, I think that we need slightly stronger assumption: lnN>>d lnd.

Although it is not a complete answer, I hope this helps a bit

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