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Exam 2019 Q 5

Hi, I am sorry but I do not really understand the reasoning behind this question/ answer. What confuses me is that when I calculate Ki,j I get xi1x1j + x1jxi2 + x2jxi2 + xi2x2j however when calculating K~i,j I get something in the order of power of 4. Where did I go wrong? Also I do not understand why we have sqrt(2) instead of 2. Could you please clarify this? Thanks in advance!

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For K_ij, this represents the scalar product between vector x_i= (x_i1, x_i2)^T and vector x_j=(x_j1, x_j2)^T, so K_ij= x_i1 x_j1 + x_i2 x_j2.
A similar computation for K~i,j can be done. and the presence of sqrt(2) will yield a factor of 2 i.e sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) = 2.

Hope this answers your question.

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