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Submit Project1 as a Public Repo instead of GitHub Classroom

Dear all,

Yesterday when our group was trying to submit the GitHub link, we created a public repository for Project 1 and submitted the link to that. However, today we found out that we were actually meant to create a team on the GitHub Classroom and put our project there.

I suppose this was unclear to a lot of students as well, as we had asked many other groups and they had done the same. Nonetheless, we sincerely apologise for our ignorance of the project submission description. I hope this will not affect our grades as we had spent tremendous effort doing this project.

May we please ask that whether we should just leave the submission like that, or should we move the project to the correct repository and submit it again?

Kind regards,
Project1 Team

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it's ok this time, as long as it's a public github repo


Same problem in our group

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Same here too

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it's ok this time, as long as it's a public github repo

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