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Project 2 Final Version


Could you please explain a bit about what we should do for the final pdf version? Where will this be used? Does this affect the grading?

the final PDF version will not affect the grading.

the only purpose is to have the projects listed on the website to show them to the world, and as examples next year

Is this meant for everyone or just ML4Science projects?

for everyone. they are all interesting

by default, we will not publish the code.

if you want to make the code publicly accessible - which we'd recommend - please create a public github repository and link it in the PDF. (or make the one from the course public if you want)

Hello! If we participated to the competition, who is supposed to be our mentor? Who should we mention?

(mentor only applies to ml4science)

sorry for forgetting the deadline for submitting the final version of the report.
Is it ok to upload it now? ( one day later)

yes please do. thanks a lot! i'll reopen the submission system

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