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Nearest neighbor decision boundary

Dear TAs,

Could you explain in detail how to sketch the decision boundaries for the k-nearest neighbor classifier?

Is this correct?

Thanks in advance :)

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Good question!

For 1 nearest neighbor (1-NN or NN) you can follow the procedure below. For K>1, visualizing the decision boundary by hand becomes quite hard, and is usually done computationally with a grid as in the link you mention. See also here:

For (1-)NN:

  1. Construct (dashed) lines between the closest pairs of points in different classes.
  2. Draw a simple (nondashed) decision boundary for each closest pair (only looking at the points in the pair).
    Step 1 + Step 2 illustrated:
  3. End the simple decision boundaries where they intersect.


As a note, the decision boundary for K=1 is equivalent to the Voronoi diagram, which you can find many implementations to draw online. K>1 is more involved and the easiest and non-formal way would be:
1) dividing the region into a grid
2) checking the decision for each point
3) finding the neighbor of points where the decision changes

Wow! Thank you so much!! :D

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