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Wrong setup on Aicrowd road segmentation challenge

There seems to be a problem on the configuration of the road segmentation challenge. The challenge overview page states that we get 5 submissions per team member per day, or 15 submissions per team per day. But I've used all my submissions today, and none of my teamates used one, yet we all can't post a new submission.

Can this be fixed ?

Thanks a lot

Up ? The problem is still here

The submission limit is 5 per day for a participant - if you participate as a team on AICrowd you get 5 submissions for the whole team. You should try to use a local validation set and avoid making too many submissions and overfitting on the test set on AICrowd.

What about this then ? Is it a mistake ? It's on the overview page of the challenge on aicrowd

Capture d’écran 2020-12-01 002846.jpg

EDIT : okay that is expected, got the answer by mail. The overview should be changed

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