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logistic regression pytorch


In the part of lab 10 on 'Logistic regression in PyTorch' I am not quite sure how the class definition models a logistic regression?

I was trying to complete lab 10 but I don't have much experience with classes. What are the key elements to understand in the way the LogisticRegressionModel class is defined.

I am not sure what it means for a parameter to be passed as an argument in the class definition as such
'class LogisticRegressionModel(torch.nn.Module)'

Thank you for your help

In the given class definition, 'torch.nn.Module' is not a parameter. Given syntax defines that class LogisticRegressionModel is child-class of torch.nn.Module. This means LogisticRegressionModels inherits all the functions and parameters of torch.nn.Module. You can read more about class inheritance in here:

If you need more details, I think it would be easier to explain in person. For example, you can connect with your TA during the Thursday sessions.


Now the solutions for lab 10 are posted:
And you are also very welcome to come today at 17:15 to the presentation of the solutions if something is still unclear.


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