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Unable to submit project1

See title and screenshot.
Screenshot 2020-10-26 132212.jpg

The submission system is working again normally, can you check?

I got e-mail confirmations for my previous submission (although it gave me a 504 gateway time-out). Should I re-submit again?

To be safe, you can re-submit (if possible update the currently submitted version).

we have the same problem, we can't submit and we still get a bad gateway (just tried 10 minutes ago).

Updated the last submission and withdrew the two other duplicates, but it still gives me BAD GATEWAY (as of 14:23).
[EDIT] : ALL GOOD now.


I'm also experiencing trouble right now to access the submission system.
Please refer to the screenshot below.


Is there anything we can do to show in good faith we are ready to submit on time?



I also have Léo's problem right now

we're working on this, the server should restart itself.
can you try again in 5mins?


I am having the same problem with the submission system as Léo.

I am having trouble creating an account, I don't seem to be receiving a password by email

It says this, when creating a new account: "The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement in"

Same for me

system is restarted, it should work again now.

@juliette, can you try again now, and check your spam folder?

Still gives me the same error and no email in spam

Thanks! Server seems to be back online, but I'm still experiencing SQL errors when trying to edit my team's submission


for the SQL read only mode problem, we're working on it. please try again in 5mins.

sorry for the hassle. we'll try to extend the deadline by 30mins

same SQL errors as Leo here

It's a great simulation of the stress caused by real paper submission deadlines

Deadline for Project 1 extended by 30 minutes to 16:30.

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