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Predictions in logistic regression

For logistic regression, do we need to adapt this function so that we apply the sigmoid function to the, weights)?

def predict_labels(weights, data, logistic):
"""Generates class predictions given weights, and a test data matrix"""
if logistic:
threshold = 0.5
threshold = 0

y_pred =, weights)
y_pred[np.where(y_pred <= threshold)] = -1
y_pred[np.where(y_pred > threshold)] = 1

return y_pred


Hi,, weights) > 0 if and only if sigmoid(, weights)) > 0.5

So if I understand your question correctly, you should just make sure that threshold=0 in your code (i.e. logistic=False in your code which is probably a bit misleading as it should be vice versa).

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