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l1 regularization for features vs l2

why is it a "better" /"good" idea to use l1 regularization as a feature selector rather than l2. This was discussed during the q&a of today but not sure I understand why.

Thanks in advance for your answer

In the picture below:

  • [right] L1 regularization has a sharp (equi-)loss contour, which makes it likely that the optimal regularized loss lies on the axis. Lying on the axis = a sparse weight vector (some weights are 0) thus doing feature selection.
  • [left] L2 regularization will encourage the weight parameter vector to be on an axis only when the (non-regularized) optimum is on one of the axes itself. This rarely happens compared to all the other options in the weight space. Note that L2 regularization, while having less of a feature selection effect, is more stable when features are correlated (see optional reading).

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 19.13.37.jpg

image credit + graphical intuition:

Optional reading:

Thank you for this! It is very clear :))

I have one extra question:
If we transform our data with PCA (data is decorrelated), then both L1 and L2 are stable, correct?
And using L1 could be a way to choose the number of first components

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