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How to get new material into NOTO


I have loaded the github into EPFL's JupyterLab, however, I am unsure on how to get the newly uploaded material into it. Any help?

@qais, You can open a terminal in EPFL noto and use 'git pull' to fetch the materials from github

@aswin said:
@qais, You can open a terminal in EPFL noto and use 'git pull' to fetch the materials from github

@aswin, I tried doing that, and it gave me this error:

ch-epfl-323071@noto:~ $ git pull
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

You should first navigate to the local repository using 'cd ML_course', and then run 'git pull'.

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