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What is the camera-ready version of project 2 ?

Hi !

Yesterday we received an emailed containing our graded exam and at the end there was this line :
"BTW2: please don't forget to upload the camera-ready version of your project 2 PDF to in the next days (even if it is not grade-relevant, as it's excellent practice for open science and you can be proud of it)."

My question is what exactly is this camera ready version ? Our host lab said to us in early January that you would be contacting us for a modified version of our report (I'm guessing this is it) to be uploaded on the website, though my team didn't get any email about it.


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this just means the PDF version which is ok for you (and the hosting lab) so that we can put it online on the course website.

for example make sure the hosting lab is mentioned, that there is no confidentiality issue with the hosting lab. also we recommend to provide a link to a public code repository in the PDF as well if you like

if you don't provide a new PDF then we use the version you uploaded at submission time

I assume this doesn't apply to people who participated in project B ( text classification & road segmentation ) ?

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