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Average grade in course

What is normally the average score in the course? I am not familiar with the swiss grading system.

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the other comment is not correct. the final grade average last year was 4.83/6 (including the projects). other years were similar and we expect this one to be too (but grading is ongoing)

I was told 60% is 4/6. For the last exam, after normalization, 4/80 will probably be close to 4/6.

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the other comment is not correct. the final grade average last year was 4.83/6 (including the projects). other years were similar and we expect this one to be too (but grading is ongoing)

@martin said:
the other comment is not correct. the final grade average last year was 4.83/6 (including the projects). other years were similar and we expect this one to be too (but grading is ongoing)

I think he meant "How does a grade on 100 scales on 6 ?". For example, in France a 50% is the average and I think it's less than 4/6.

the exam has no percentages, and for the projects it's only talked as percentages, as code and report still get combined before becoming 1-6

Hello, is it possible to know how percentage for report and letter for code are combined to obtain the grade of the project in order to estimate our final projects grades ? Thanks you

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