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What is as considered as known


When we need to prove something on the exam, can we use proofs that we have seen in lectures and exercises as known, or do we always need to always prove everything we use? For example, if we need to prove something is convex, can we simply use the fact that sums of convex functions are convex, or do we first need to prove it?

Thanks in advance!

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no worries, each question will be clearly written and tell if it expects you to give a proof (open question), or just to say yes/no (or multiple choice)

*non negative sums of convex functions are convex :)

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no worries, each question will be clearly written and tell if it expects you to give a proof (open question), or just to say yes/no (or multiple choice)

for the convex example yes you would be allowed to just use that as a known fact

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