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Crib sheet on iPad ?

Hello, for the exam is it possible to handwrite our crib sheet on an iPad ? Thank you for your answer

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sure but i don't think it will help. as if you digitalize it and print it, the font size of the printed sheet needs to be around 11 equivalent.

for the same reason, photocopying with downsizing is not allowed obviously, except if at least 11pt equiv

we don't want people to have 2pt font size as it would be unfair, as you can imagine

no, there are no electronic devices allowed in the exam room

I meant to handwrite the crib sheet on iPad then print it?

please ?

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sure but i don't think it will help. as if you digitalize it and print it, the font size of the printed sheet needs to be around 11 equivalent.

for the same reason, photocopying with downsizing is not allowed obviously, except if at least 11pt equiv

we don't want people to have 2pt font size as it would be unfair, as you can imagine

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