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Problem with GitHub classrom join

Dear Professors and TAs,

we are Roberto Minini, Roberto Ceraolo and Joel Rudsberg and we write regarding the ML4Science project. One of us (Joel Rudsberg) cannot join the classroom repository since for some reason it says its already full (even if only 2 members are inside). Is this a problem?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best Regards

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github teams are not needed, we'll not look at them. the only thing important is that the code is on some repo at 16h.

if you want to push to the repo (not needed strictly for submission), you can do this: your teammembers have admin access to your repository so can very easily add you to the repo (not the team), by going to

project submission: if your team members have pushed the code already there is nothing you need to do. except of course all team member EPFL emails must be listed on when you submit the project PDF and repo link.

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