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Few questions rapport

We have a few questions concerning the written rapport for project 2.

We are working on a project in collaboration with a SV lab, so there is quite a lot of biology involve in our project. We were wondering to what extend we are supposed to describe these biological aspects/techniques in our rapport. For example, we are working on scRNAseq data and we are unsure if we should summarize this technique and to what extent.

Also, how are we supposed to cite the libraries we used ? Should we mention their use in the main text, where we explain the method these libraries implement. Or should it be a dedicated section ?

Thank you in advance.

for domain specific (biology) explanations: try to make it understandable in the 4 pages to an as broad (and non-experienced) audience as possible.

if there is additional technical details which are less important for understanding (but can help for reproducibility) feel free to put those in an appendix

citing: yes, all related scientific papers, and all software pieces you used should be cited. you can use citations as in latex (see template) and/or use footnotes with links

Thank you!

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