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Can someone please explain the solution for Q23. I know how to do it using the long way (calculating all derivatives and summing them up) but can someone please explain the shortcut mentioned in the answers?

Thanks a lot!

Not sure about the shortcut mentioned as I can't find it in the answers, but for the first term you can see that each derivative is just 3 for all six variables so add 3*6 = 18

for the next we have three variables to the same power(2) so add 2 x 3 = 18

For the -7xz^5 term we can see that it will evaluate into (-7 - 35) so subtract -42

similarly for the last term 3 x 4 + 3 x 2 = 18

18 + 18 + 6 - 42 = 0

We have \(x=y=z=u=v=w=1\) but essentially what matters in the first place is that \(x=y=z=u=v=w\), so the function becomes \(f(x,x,x,x,x,x)=3x^6+x^6-7x^6+3x^6=0\), which derivative gives 0 too, and hence the result

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