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second order condition


In lecture 2 page 22 formula (2) I don't understand why the condition is stated as positive SEMI definite.
isn't a minimum guaranteed only when second order derivative is positive (not semi-definite positive). For ex: x^3 at x=0 is not a minimum but "hessian" (f''(x)) is semi-definite positive since it is >=0.

Thanks for your help

The condition holds when the problem is convex. Quoting:

"For a convex optimization problem...".
Indeed, if you are analysing a "general" function, the condition holds if the hessian is PSD for each possible value in the domain of the function.

So, x^3 is not convex (since its second derivative is not >= 0 for each x), and thus you can't state that when its first derivative is 0, that is a minimum.

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