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SVM dual optimization

Hello, I had a question regarding the dual formulation ascent step. I do not understand why \( \alpha^{new} \) should not depend on \( \alpha_{n} \), and how the fact that f is quadratic and \( \alpha \) is constrained implies that the optimal \( \alpha \) is a projection onto the set \( [0, 1] \).

Screenshot 2021-01-03 at 11.31.45.jpg

Any further clarification/ intuition would be much appreciated :)

Never mind, I just saw the other post where you have to sub in the expression \( w(\alpha) \) and the \( \alpha_{n} \) term drops out. However, I am still unsure about the projection and how the min max statement is obtained, and further how this is done in \( O(D) \).

Wondering the same things ! Also, could we have written max{min{..., 1}, 0} ? (with concacvity and convexity of w and alpha)

Hi, could anyone elaborate on this please, I still have not figured it out :(

You want alpha to be in interval [0, 1]. If it isn't you just take the closest point in interval [0, 1] instead of it (i.e. you are projecting value of alpha on a convex set, in this case that set is [0, 1] interval). If alpha < 0 then closest point in [0, 1] to alpha is 0, that's why you take the max(alpha, 0). Similarly when alpha > 1 closest point to it is 1, so you take min(alpha, 1). If alpha is in [0, 1] already than min max will just return alpha. Here I considered alpha to be a one dimensional vector but it is the same principal when alpha is N dimensional and constraint set is [0, 1]^N, you just apply the same technique to every component individually (notice n subscript to alpha in their notation).

Thanks for clarifying :)

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